Amasake is a Japanese dessert made from fermented rice with koji, with probiotic properties and with many health benefits. It is often used in macrobiotics and it is very popular as a sweetener in Asian countries.
As a “predigested rice”, in which the fermentation process has broken down the chains of polysaccharides (that is why it is sweet), it is much easier to digest and its nutrients are in their simplest forms.
1 glass of millet amazake (350 gr)
1’5 cup of Bonsoy soymilk
4 tbs of almond powder or 2 tbs of white almond paste
3 or 4 tbs of kuzu dissolved in a little cold water (to taste)
A pinch of unrefined sea salt
1/2 tbs lemon zest
A few drops of natural almond concentrate
For garnish:
- 1 tbs lemon-peel, cut into very thin strips.
- 1 tbs rice malt
- tbs water
Bring the amazake with the salt, the Soy Milk, the almond powder or paste, the lemon zest and the almond concentrate to a boil, while stirring.
Add the dissolved kuzu, stir well and boil for 1 or 2 minutes. Let it cool up in a bowl or pour into individual portions.
For garnish: boil the strips of lemon-peel with the water and the malt on a very low fire, until almost all the liquid is gone, about 5 minutes.
Garnish the pudding with it.